Entry 7: Human Evolution ~ New Orleans

In a dystopic future, the sea levels (as predicted) rose to astronomical heights and many cities found themselves sunk below the waves. As the Earth became used to being more oceanic, evolution took place among humans. The human race was split into two groups - those who remained on land and those dwelled beneath the sea. The latter obtained gills, film covered eyes and most important a fish-like tail; they became essentially mermaids and mermen.

New Orleans (affectionately known as "New Atlantis)as well most of Louisiana sank beneath the waves during a catastrophic super-hurricane. Over time the shorelines eroded and the marshy earth made it even more and susceptible to the overwhelming deluges and waves. New Orleans in particular had no hoping of making thru and i an instant, In sank beneath the waves. The descendants of the escapees all spread throughout the country and remained on land. But a few remained on the little land that was left and over time their descendants became used to living in a watery domain and eventually underwater. Eventually, all over the world these "merpeople" created colonies under the sea and major cities were rebuilt to a certain degree.

It seems that I was a merman living in "New Atlantis" and I was the only one of my kind in my family. All of my family were normal humans living on land but due to a strange strain of genetics, I was born a merman. I lived in "New Atlantis" but would regularly visit my family who would meet me at the shore. Unfortunately I could breath air for too long so our visits were always brief.

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